Business Admission Registration

Please enter the required information for your application.
Required must be filled in.

Basic Information

Scheduled Date of VisitRequired

Company Information

Company NameRequired
Job TitleRequired
State, CityRequired
Company Phone NumberRequired

Company Information2

Type of industryRequired
Type of occupationRequired
Involvement in purchasing new products or servicesRequired
Purpose of Visit
(Mark all that apply)


  • Please enter the e-mail address to which you would like a visitor's pass sent.
Reconfirm E-mailRequired

Terms of Use

To apply, you must agree to the terms and conditions. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before applying.

Important notice before entering the ASIA DIVE EXPO JAPAN

QR Code on visitor entrance pass is required to enter ASIA DIVE EXPO JAPAN (hereinafter referred to as the “Exhibition”) and it will be given to those who have registered their name, age, gender, and various contact information in advance. Please proceed to the QR Code application (visitor registration) after agreeing to the following terms and conditions: “About Interviewing and Photographing”, “Collection and handling of personal information by exhibitors”, and “Handling of Personal Information by the Asahi Shimbun and Underwater360”, as well as the following terms and conditions. Transfer, lending, or licensing of the QR Code to a third party is strictly prohibited.

The Asahi Shimbun and Underwater360 (hereinafter, both parties will be referred to as the "organizer"), will not take any responsibility for any problems that may arise between visitors and exhibitors.

About Interviewing and Photographing

The organizer will conduct interviewing, photographing and filming at the venue of the exhibition. Information obtained by the organizer (including comments by the parties interviewed), as well as video and images, may be used by the organizer or third parties for the purpose of media coverage and publicity of the exhibition, including websites, applications, newspapers, magazines, television, and radio programs operated and published by the organizer or third parties. The images may be used in various media.

The experience program offered by the organizers at the venue

All visitors (including children accompanying visitors) must read the description and precautions of the experience program before taking part, and participate at their own discretion and risk.
The organizers will not be held liable for any accidents or injuries that occur in the experience program and were not caused by the organizers' intentional or negligent acts.
In the event of negligence on the part of the organizers, compensation will be made only for ordinary damages directly caused by such negligence, up to a maximum of 100,000,000 Japanese yen.
However, in the event of intentional or gross negligence on the part of the organizers, full compensation will be made.

Collection and handling of personal information by exhibitors

In the exhibition, if you agree to an exhibitor scanning your QR code and the exhibitor scans the QR code, the exhibitor will obtain your personal information such as name, area of residence, age, gender, e-mail address (for business visitors, visitor’s name, e-mail address, job title, department, company name and its address, industry) that you registered when applying for the QR code. The exhibitor will use the personal information received under its control and responsibility for the following purposes:

To provide information on the products, services, and business of the exhibitor (including sending e-mail invitations from the exhibitor).

The exhibitor will handle personal information safely and appropriately in accordance with laws and regulations and the exhibitor's privacy policy. Please be advised that requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, or suspension of use of visitors' personal information entrusted to exhibitors must be made directly to the relevant exhibitor by the visitor himself/herself.

Handling of Personal Information by the Asahi Shimbun and Underwater360

The personal information received at the time of visitor registration will be used by the organizer for the reception and operation of the exhibition, as well as for contacting, analyzing, and preparing statistical information related to the exhibition, and will also be shared with Underwater 360 and the Asahi Shimbun Group (the Asahi Shimbun, its group companies, and newspaper sales offices such as ASA that handle the Asahi Shimbun newspaper) for the following purposes of use. Please refer to the following Privacy Policy for the public announcement of the joint use and the list of the group companies included in the scope of joint users.

(1) Delivery and provision of products and services.
(2) To provide information on products, services, and own events (including sending information of the Asahi Shimbun Group, information of events organized by Underwater360, analyzing customer demographic information, website browsing history, application usage history, purchase history, etc., and distributing notices and advertisements by e-mail or mail based on the analysis results in accordance with your interests and preferences.)
(3) Research to improve existing products and services and to develop new products and services.
(4) To send you information about products, services, events, gifts, questionnaires, etc. requested by companies other than the Asahi Shimbun Group, etc. (including sending you information about companies other than the Asahi Shimbun Group, etc. by e-mail from us, and analyzing your attribute information, website browsing history, application usage history, purchase history, etc. and distributing notices and advertisements by e-mail, mail, etc. according to your interests and preferences based on the results of the analysis).

The Asahi Shimbun Group and Underwater360 will handle your personal information in accordance with the law and our Privacy Policy. The Asahi Shimbun Group data protection policy guidelines can be found here:
Underwater 360’s data protection policy guidelines can be found here: